Monday, February 23, 2009

More Tales of Zorro -- and the company I keep

Moonstone's More Tales of Zorro, edited by Richard Dean Starr, has been announced: here and here.

(Note: the cover to the right by the fabulous Douglas Klauba is apparently not the final art.)

I'm thrilled to be contributing to one of the original masked pulp heroes--and humbled to be in the company of these other writers.

And in more Amazon weirdness, the US site lists only one author, while the Canadian site lists everyone.
Maybe just get it from B&N? :-)


Christopher Paul Carey said...

You're going to make me horribly poor if you keep this up, Win. Stop it! Okay, not. ;-)

Paul D Brazill said...

This looks fab!

-> Ray said...

You are definitely in some impressive company with this one. Congratulations to you.

Win Scott Eckert said...

Thanks guys. :-)

Anonymous said...

Congrats Win!

Sean Levin said...

Great company indeed, Win.

Win Scott Eckert said...

Frank, Sean, thank you. Hope you'll enjoy the book when it comes out. :-)