Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Avenger Chronicles! - Now available!

"At long last, after 40 years of waiting, there are new AVENGER stories to read! The AVENGER CHRONICLES is here!"

-Joe Gentile, Moonstone Books

Available at Amazon, B&N,, etc., direct from Moonstone, your local comic shop, as well as pulp/book dealer Mike Chomko (who takes checks if you don't like PayPal, etc.)

chomko @

Matthew Baugh and I both have stories in the collection, along with other familiar names like Will Murray, Howard Hopkins, Martin Powell, Robert Randisi, Tom DeFalco, Paul Kupperberg, Richard Dean Starr, and Ron Goulart. Covers by Peter Caras, Dave Dorman, and Doug Klauba. We had a lot of fun with it, and we hope you'll give it a look!




Anonymous said...

As coeditor on this project, I can tell y'all this is a dream come true, finally seeing Richard Henry Benson back in print! It was a huge honor and plessure working with all the talented authors who made this anthology a possibility, and especially my "Brother in Benson" Joe Gentile, without whom this project never would have happened. Hats off to Joe and all the talented folks who contributed.

Win Scott Eckert said...

Howard, it was a pleasure and a thrill, and I truly appreciate the expertise you brought to the project! :-)


Matthew Baugh said...

Oh Yowzah!!!

Blue Tyson said...

Is this the only other one that is out? I have the Spider book, and bought the Phantom book for my dad.

Win Scott Eckert said...

Blue Tyson,

Moonstone's TALES OF ZORRO came out a few weeks ago, and they also have two KOLCHAK, THE NIGHT STALKER anthologies. They have a CAPTAIN ACTION antho and a second PHANTOM antho in the works, among others.


-> Ray said...

After ordering the interminably delayed Doc Savage scriptbook and the Domino Lady hardcovers, I decided not to order this one until it was actually available (fool me twice, don'tcha know). Hard to believe it came out first, but I've now put in my order, while I patiently wait for the other two to see the light of day.

Win Scott Eckert said...

Ray, just a heads-up -- the 2 softcovers are done, but the limited edition hardcover is still a few weeks away.

-> Ray said...

D'oh! So they got another order out of me for a product that does not yet exist. To quote Satchel from 'Get Fuzzy': "Fool me once, shame on me, but fool me, like, nine times, shame on ME! And fool me seven times after that and, well, I just wasn't paying attention!"

Win Scott Eckert said...

Sorry Ray, I should have clarified that in my original post. :-( I do know the HCs are at the printer...!