Showing posts with label Captain Midnight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Captain Midnight. Show all posts

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Going Digital: Captain Midnight at Ultima Thule

Yesterday Christopher Paul Carey and I posted about the eBook publication of our story "Iron and Bronze" on both Kindle and Nook.

Today, I'm pleased to announce the availability of my tale "Captain Midnight at Ultima Thule" at

GENRE: Ad­ven­ture
TYPE: Short Sto­ry
PUB­LISH­ER: Moon­stone Books
AU­THOR: Win Scott Eckert

Born in the blaz­ing cru­cible of war, but sworn to fight for peace, the mys­te­ri­ous ob­sid­i­an avi­a­tor known on­ly by the co­de­name Cap­tain Mid­night… flies again!

An ace pi­lot, su­per se­cret agent, and as­tound­ing sci­en­tif­ic ge­nius, the hero­ic Cap­tain Mid­night ruled the ra­dio air­waves and starred in com­ic books, film se­ri­als and a clas­sic tele­vi­sion se­ries.

Cap­tain Mid­night at Ul­ti­ma Thule (6,100 words)

Sab­o­tage, a cur­va­ceous foe, a se­cret mis­sion, a hid­den city… and Nazis. Who could ask for any­thing more of a pulp ac­tion-ad­ven­ture? is a cloud-based reading service that publishes classic and contemporary short stories that are accessible from any device with an up-to-date browser and an Internet connection.

Coming soon to iPulpFiction: Lance Star: Shadows over Kunlun.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Captain Midnight Chronicles - now available!

I've just been notified that Moonstone Books' The Captain Midnight Chronicles is back from the printer and now available! Authors' copies will start shipping right away.

The book is available for order right now from Moonstone (both the softcover and hardcover versions), and based on past experience it should be listed on Amazon shortly.

My story is "Captain Midnight at Ultima Thule." I hope you'll check it out!

Friday, February 26, 2010

CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT CHRONICLES - now available for preorder!

Edited by Christopher Mills, art by Vatche Mavlian, cover by Richard Clark.

Born in the blazing crucible of war, but sworn to fight for peace, the mysterious obsidian aviator known only by the codename Captain Midnight... flies again!

An ace pilot, super secret agent, and astounding scientific genius, the heroic Captain Midnight returns when we need him most, along with his legendary Secret Squadron -- to battle spies, saboteurs and the mercenary armies of the evil warmonger Ivan Shark and his delectably deadly daughter, Fury. Join the Captain and his elite air warriors in eleven all-new stories by some of the greatest adventure writers in the world, as they battle evil and fight for freedom all over the world!

Featuring my tale "Captain Midnight at Ultima Thule"!

Softcover, 234 pages, $16.95. Hardcover, 234 pages, $29.95. Moonstone Books

is solicited in the March PREVIEWS (Available February 24th).
The Diamond Item Code is MAR101067 (Softcover).

The Diamond Item Code is MAR101068 (Limited Hardcover).

Also available from Amazon.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Green Hornet and Captain Midnight now listed for pre-order on Amazon

New pre-orders from Moonstone Books:

The Green Hornet Chronicles
, which I am co-editing with Joe Gentile and in which I'm also thrilled to have a tale, and The Captain Midnight Chronicles (edited by Christopher Mills and also rating high on the thrill scale!) are both now available for pre-order from Amazon:

The Green Hornet Chronicles SC | HC
The Captain Midnight Chronicles

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Captain Midnight Chronicles from Moonstone Books

Here's the cover for Captain Midnight Chronicles from Moonstone Books. My story is "Captain Midnight at Ultima Thule." Apparently the book is slated for late spring (May/June) 2010, so keep an eye out!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT Returns at Moonstone Books

Well, the contract's signed, so I guess it's official. I've been invited to contribute to Moonstone Books' new Captain Midnight anthology, and couldn't be more pleased.

Moonstone is the outfit responsible for bringing back many favorites in prose, four-color/b&w glory, or both, including Sherlock Holmes, Kolchak the Night Stalker, The Phantom, Mr. Moto, The Mysterious Traveler, I Love a Mystery, Buckaroo Banzai, Bulldog Drummond, The Spider, The Avenger, and even Doc Savage (radio scripts).

This is exciting stuff! I don't have any more info right now, but when I do I'll post it.