Thursday, December 28, 2023
Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., Celebrates 100 Years!
Wednesday, November 01, 2023
Korak at the Earth's Core - Book 1 of the Dead Moon Super-Arc - NOW AVAILABLE FOR PREORDER!
Korak is back in his first novel-length adventure since 1916’s The Son of Tarzan
Preorders of Korak at the Earth’s Core may now be placed directly from ERB, Inc. Softcover and hardcover editions, as well as a limited Collector’s Edition with a signed bookplate, will be available in a simultaneous release. Korak at the Earth’s Core features gorgeous wraparound cover art by the renowned artist E. M. Gist.
The novel is expected to ship to customers in February 2024.
The Dead Moon Super-Arc Begins...
Korak the Killer, jungle-raised son of Tarzan of the Apes, sets off into the wilds of the prehistoric world at the Earth’s core to rescue his daughter Suzanne Clayton, who has gone missing in the mysterious Land of Awful Shadow. But when the airship O-220 is hijacked, Korak and his Mangani friend Akut are stranded and must fight their way across the perilous lands and seas of Pellucidar. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to them, Korak’s mate Meriem, also racing to save Suzanne, risks everything in a perilous gambit to quickly reach the inner world.
And what of the enigmatic Dead Moon, the pendant world that hangs eternally above the Land of Awful Shadow and is taboo to the Stone Age peoples of Pellucidar? Will the Dead World give up its secrets as Korak and Meriem search for Suzanne—or will it spell their doom?
Bonus Novelette:
“Pellucidar: Dawn of the Deathslayer” by Christopher Paul Carey
When citizens on the far frontier of the Federated Kingdoms of Pellucidar begin to go missing, a lone warrior with nothing left to lose sets off to investigate. But the dark secret he finds lying in the Charnel Caves beneath the Forest of Death will lay bare the past he seeks to escape and awaken that for which he could never be prepared.
Saturday, July 23, 2022
KORAK AT THE EARTH'S CORE - Book One of the Dead Moon Super-Arc
It's official! Announced at San Diego ComicCon 2022!
Book One of The Dead Moon Super-Arc, KORAK AT THE EARTH'S CORE by Win Scott Eckert, releasing 2023 from Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.! A brand-new Pellucidar trilogy, and the first Korak novel since Edgar Rice Burroughs' THE SON OF TARZAN!
I'm so excited to be writing this trilogy! Thanks to Christopher Paul Carey, Cathy Mann Wilbanks, Jim Sullos, and the whole team at Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.! Book One is coming out next year from Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., the company Mr. Burroughs established to publish his own work.
The novel, part of the company’s “Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe” line of canonical tales, is a follow-up to my novel TARZAN: BATTLE FOR PELLUCIDAR, and will send Tarzan’s son Korak to the inner world at the Earth’s core, a land Burroughs wrote about in seven novels of his Pellucidar series.
- Book One will also heavily feature Meriem, Korak's wife.
- Book Two: PROVISIONAL title: PELLUCIDAR: LAND OF AWFUL SHADOW - starring Suzanne Clayton (Korak's daughter), Korak's grandson (a new character), and a major new Waziri character
- Book Three: PROVISIONAL title: TARZAN UNLEASHED - starring Tarzan and Jane
Monday, May 16, 2022
Tarzan and the Forest of Stone by Jeffrey J. Mariotte
Disclaimer: I was given an uncorrected advance proof of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Jeffrey J. Mariotte enters the Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe with a six-gun bang! Mariotte accurately captures Tarzan’s discomfort—and amusement—at 1930s Los Angeles “civilization,” and when danger rears its head, the Lord of the Jungle doesn’t hesitate to dive in headfirst—headfirst into the Arizona desert, an environment markedly different from the lush jungles to which the ape-man is accustomed.
Using equally his wits, brawn, natural instinct for survival, and ability to commune with nature and nature’s creatures, Tarzan roars to the rescue in what is essentially a Western. A Western replete with a lost city, Indigenous Peoples’ mysticism, and train-robber bandits-cum-gangsters. Burroughs was no stranger to Westerns and it’s nice to see Tarzan and the Western motifs blended so seamlessly.
Add to that, the tale is set squarely in continuity (aka the “expanded canon” which is the trademark of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe series), taking place immediately after Lord Greystoke’s visit to Hollywood at the tail end of TARZAN AND THE LION MAN, and readers are given a delightful lagniappe when Tarzan visits Burroughs himself at the Tarzana Ranch…all in all a fantastic 5-star read!
Order TARZAN AND THE FOREST OF STONE directly from Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.
Saturday, April 30, 2022
RIP artist Neal Adams
RIP artist Neal Adams. Among his incredible body of work, I best loved his 12 covers for the 1970s-80s Ballantine editions of the Tarzan novels.
Safe Journey, sir, and thank you for the wonderful imagery you shared with the world.
Thursday, April 28, 2022
April is Tarzan Month!
April is Tarzan Month with the arrival of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Authorized Library, Tarzan volumes 13-16, with gorgeous covers by Joe Jusko, and the just-delivered and totally awesome Tarzan and Jane figures from Boss Fight Studios!
- Tarzan at the Earth's Core
- Tarzan the Invincible
- Tarzan Triumphant
- Tarzan and the City of Gold
Thursday, January 06, 2022
Meteor House 2021 Releases Unboxing Video - The Monster on Hold | The Man Who Met Tarzan | It's Always Darkest
Meteor House 2021 Releases Unboxing Video
The Monster on Hold | The Man Who Met Tarzan | It's Always Darkest
Monday, August 09, 2021
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Tarzan: Battle for Pellucidar - Now Shipping!
The first batch of orders for Tarzan: Battle for Pellucidar by Win Scott Eckert is on its way! The limited Collector’s Edition is selling fast, so place your orders now while we still have copies. We’ve gotten a LOT of preorders for the novel, so we’ll be shipping them out through next week. Get your own copy here!
Summary of details (with more extensive info behind the link above:
- Collector’s Edition hardcover
- Regular hardcover
- Softcover
- ebook (Kindle and Nook)
- Audible audio book
- Audio book on CD
- 5-star advance reviews on Goodreads
- Superb wraparound cover by Chris Peuler
- Map of Pellucidar by Mike Wolfer
- Novelette: Victory Harben: Clash on Caspak by Mike Wolfer
Wednesday, September 02, 2020
Tarzan: Battle for Pellucidar - now available for preorder!
Tarzan: Battle for Pellucidar, crossing over two of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ greatest creations, Tarzan and the Pellucidar/Inner World series (At the Earth’s Core, etc.), was announced for preorder yesterday (September 1, ERB’s birthday) and while it is a standalone adventure, it also advances a four-novel “super-arc” in the recently announced canonical Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe.
My novel is the second release, following Matt Betts’ Carson of Venus: The Edge of All Worlds, which was released last spring and is doing gangbusters.
Check out the beautiful cover art by Chris Peuler!
Here is the official announcement:
Now available for preorder: TARZAN: BATTLE FOR PELLUCIDAR by Win Scott Eckert—the new novel in the ERB Universe’s Swords of Eternity super-arc—will be available in paperback, hardcover, and a limited hardcover Collector’s Edition (books expected to ship this Fall). Includes the bonus novelette “Victory Harben: Clash on Caspak” by Mike Wolfer.
Exclusive ERB Universe trading card offer only with preorder directly from ERB, Inc.!
Thursday, February 13, 2020
The Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe - Swords of Eternity super-arc launches!

- “Pellucidar: Dark of the Sun” written by Christopher Paul Carey - novelette (available in Carson of Venus: The Edge of all Worlds—AND the same story appears in comic format in the three-issue miniseries Carson of Venus: The Eye of Amtor)
- Carson of Venus: The Eye of Amtor written by Mike Wolfer and Matt Betts - comic miniseries from American Mythology (click to order)
- Carson of Venus: The Edge of All Worlds - novel written by Matt Betts (April 2020)
- Tarzan: Battle for Pellucidar - novel written by Win Scott Eckert (click to preorder now, forthcoming Fall 2020)
- John Carter of Mars: Gods of the Forgotten - novel written by Geary Gravel (forthcoming 2021)
- Victory Harben: Fires of Halos - novel written by Christopher Paul Carey (forthcoming 2021)
Monday, August 12, 2019
Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe - Philip José Farmer’s Tarzan and the Dark Heart of Time

Sunday, July 21, 2019
Tarzan: Battle for Pellucidar - Book 2 of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe Super-Arc!
A century before the term “crossover” became a buzzword in popular culture, Edgar Rice Burroughs created the first expansive, fully cohesive literary universe. Coexisting in this vast cosmos was a pantheon of immortal heroes and heroines—Tarzan of the Apes®, Jane Clayton™, John Carter®, Dejah Thoris®, Carson Napier™, and David Innes™ being only the best known among them. In Burroughs’ 80-plus novels, their epic adventures transported them to the strange and exotic worlds of Barsoom®, Amtor™, Pellucidar®, Caspak™, and Va-nah™, as well as the lost civilizations of Earth and even realms beyond the farthest star. Now the Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe expands in an all-new series of canonical novels written by today’s talented authors!
Some people say that San Diego Comic-Con is the convention that Jack Kirby built. I’m sure that a lot of other creators had a hand in the source material that inspired this crazy pop culture event, but if we are being completely honest, this is the house, the con, and the community that Edgar Rice Burroughs inspired.
That’s right, a line can be drawn from almost every superhero, science-fiction or fantasy icon that is celebrated at this very circus right back to Burroughs’ pulp creations of John Carter of Mars and Tarzan of the Apes.
These days this pop culture history is mostly glossed over and rarely mentioned, but for many of us, Friday is Burroughs Day at Comic-Con, the day of ERB, Inc’s rollout of everything new coming down the pike in the Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe, as today’s panel revealed is the actual name of the brand going forward.
The Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe will feature upcoming novels based on Burroughs’ worlds and characters, but with cohesive new stories that will expand on the original tales and be a part of official canon.
The new books will be authored by talented storytellers and will be connected by what is being called “The Super-Arc.”
Book one will be written by Matt Betts and will be called Carson of Venus: The Edge of All Worlds.
The second book will be Tarzan: Battle for Pellucidar, written by Win Scott Eckert. Mister Eckert was present at the panel and promised his tale would include the Ape Man fighting WWII Nazis riding dinosaurs.
Book number three will be John Carter of Mars: Gods of the Forgotten, written by Geary Gravel.
Book four will introduce a new character, Victory Harben, in a tale called Victory Harben: Fires of Halos, written by Christopher Paul Carey, who is also spearheading the book series as ERB, Inc’s new Director of Publishing.
The Lord of the Jungle returns to the Earth’s core on a mission to stop the Nazis from obtaining a powerful superweapon. But when the ape-man’s murderous adversaries partner with Pellucidar’s routed reptilian overlords, can Tarzan prevent the conquest and enslavement of all humanity in both the inner and outer worlds?
WIN SCOTT ECKERT is the legacy author of science-fiction Grand Master Philip José Farmer’s Patricia Wildman series, as well as the coauthor with Farmer of the upcoming Doc Caliban novel, The Monster on Hold. Eckert’s other professional credits include authorized tales of Zorro, the Phantom, Honey West, the Avenger, and the Green Hornet.
It was also announced that certain previously published authorized Burroughs novels by other writers—specifically Philip José Farmer’s Tarzan and the Dark Heart of Time and Fritz Leiber’s Tarzan and the Valley of Gold—while not a part of the new Super-Arc, are considered official canonical novels in terms of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe (ERBU). A new first hardcover edition of Leiber’s novel is soon forthcoming, published by ERB, Inc., while I was very pleased to take the editorial lead in bringing to fruition the first hardcover edition of Farmer’s novel for Meteor House in 2018 (also available in trade paperback and ebook):
hardcover/trade paperback direct from Meteor HouseKindleNook
Monday, January 07, 2019
Everything Is Connected: The Wold Newton Cycle of Win Scott Eckert

The Sea Wolf (Jack London)
Antagonist: Wolf Larsen
Antagonists: Sun Koh and Madame Inga
Antagonist?: Captain Larsen
Antagonist: Doctor Natas
Other: Madame Inga