Thursday, April 30, 2009

These arrived today.....


Martin Powell said...

Terrific, Win. Glad you received your copy of DOMINO LADY.

Hope you enjoy my Phantom/DL adventure. At a recent convention I got a little good humored flack from a couple fans for NOT writing the DL/Sherlock Holmes story also in this volume (although the basic concept was, sort of, my idea...besides I'd much rather write The Phantom if given the choice.)

Guess you can't please all the people all the time.

Mark Hodder said...

Liking the look of that Blake book :-)

Win Scott Eckert said...

I imagine you are, Spanish Mark! ;-)

Win Scott Eckert said...

Hey Martin, I'm sure I'll enjoy it! :-)

Perhaps the DL will appear in a crossover tale with another one of your favorite characters in a future Moonstone antho... Can't say more than that right now, though.... ;-)

Martin Powell said...


James Bojaciuk said...

Where did you get your hands on the Sexton Blake volume?
I've been looking all over the place for it with less than no luck.

James B.

Paul Bishop said...

Glad to see the Domino Lady book finally out. Now all I have to do is track down a copy.

Win Scott Eckert said...

Hey James B.: I ordered the Sexton Blake book from an Amazon partner, but now it's showing you can't even do that... weird.

However if you go to Amazon.UK, it is completely in stock.

Win Scott Eckert said...

Hey Bish,

Strangely, the Domino Lady book shows unavailable from Amazon, B&, etc. I ordered mine from my local comic shop, which is Mile High Comics.

The Mile High website shows one hardcover copy available... I'm not sure how the HC differs from the DC.

Michael Brown said...

yeah, I don't get the issue with the Sexton Blake book.

Was not familiar with that publisher, until I saw the blurb about this book in Bill Thom's Coming Attractions. I see several books they put out, reasonably priced, that I'd like to get. They seem available on Amazon, so what's the deal??

Martin Powell said...

The DL hardcover features a naughty new story about the corrupt Hollywood fashion industry (written by my girlfriend, costume designer Lisa Bandemer), pin-up gallery, b&w photo of the Domino Lady, and an original radio play, which aren't featured in the trade paperback.

Cool stuff.

Win Scott Eckert said...

Well, shucks, looks like I need to get the HC now....