On August 3, 2018, I was honored to give a guest speaker presentation at the 2018 Dum-Dum, held in Morgan City, LA, the site of the filming of the first Tarzan movie one-hundred years prior.
With thanks to Bill Hillman's ERBzine for the image conversion of my presentation, I'm pleased to make it available on Farmer's 101st birthday. Bill Hillman is also kindly hosting the presentation on his ERBzine site.
I'd also like to thank The Official Philip José Farmer Web Page, which was a great resource as I prepared the presentation, in helping me verify that I covered everything.
In addition, I recommend downloading the accompanying audio file of my talk and scrolling through the slides/images below while listening. (Thanks to Henry Franke of the Burroughs Bibliophiles for providing the audio!)
Happy birthday, Phil!
I'll be attending two conventions, two weeks in a row!
First up is PulpFest 2018 / FarmerCon 100, held in Mars/Cranberry, PA, July 26-29, 2018. Not only am I an attendee, I'm also a FarmerCon organizer. And I'll be attending as a dealer, working at the Meteor House table as well as selling my own, non-Meteor House books.
Click here for the full PulpFest 2018 / FarmerCon 100 Programming Schedule
My panels:
Thursday, July 26
10:45 – 11:15 PM — FarmerCon 100: World Building and Writing in the Nine Continuity (Win Scott Eckert & Frank Schildiner, moderated by Paul Spiteri)
Friday, July 27
2:30 – 3:05 PM — FarmerCon 100: An Exclusive Interview with Lord Greystoke (Chuck Loridans, Christopher Paul Carey, & Win Scott Eckert)
Saturday, July 28
12:30 – 1:45 PM — FarmerCon 100: Farmer Jam (all members of FarmerCon 100 and PulpFest 2018 are welcome to read from their favorite Philip José Farmer work or reminisce about the author and his work)
2:55 – 3:50 PM — FarmerCon 100: Reading Duet (featuring New Fictioneers Win Scott Eckert & Frank Schildiner)

9:10 – 9:50 PM — FarmerCon 100: The Dark Heart of Loki: Philip José Farmer Revisits 1918 (Christopher Paul Carey & Win Scott Eckert, moderated by Paul Spiteri)
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The next weekend is the 2018 Edgar Rice Burroughs Dum Dum & Tarzan Celebration, held in Morgan City, LA, August 2-5, 2018.
Click here to watch video
The Dum Dum event, celebrating 100 years since the 1918 release of the first Tarzan movie, which was filmed in Morgan City, is co-sponsored by the Cajun Coast Visitors & Convention Bureau and the Burroughs Bibliophiles.
I'll have a table in the Dealer's Room at which I'll be selling the new Meteor House edition of Farmer's authorized novel Tarzan and the Dark Heart of Time (available for the first time in hardcover!), as well as some of my other books.
My panel:
Friday, August 3
2:00 PM — I'll be giving a talk about Burroughs' influence on another famous science fiction author: From ERB to PJF: How Burroughs Inspired Philip José Farmer
Yesterday morning, I was pleased to chat with the fine folks at KNOE 8 News here in Monroe, LA, about the upcoming 2018 Edgar Rice Burroughs Dum Dum & Tarzan Celebration, in Morgan City, LA, August 2-5, 2018.
Click here to watch video
As a part of this television interview, I was given permission by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., to announce that I will be an authorized Burroughs writer! The working title for my novel is Korak at the Earth's Core, and is tentatively slated for late 2019, as I am first working on my collaborative novel with Philip José Farmer, The Monster on Hold. To say I'm over the moon about writing an authorized Burroughs novel is a vast understatement--the world at the Earth's Core is my favorite ERB series, and I'm thrilled that I'll be able to contribute to it.

The Dum Dum event, celebrating 100 years since the 1918 release of the first Tarzan movie, which was filmed in Morgan City, is co-sponsored by the Cajun Coast Visitors & Convention Bureau and the Burroughs Bibliophiles.
At the Dum Dum, I'll be giving a talk about Burroughs' influence on another famous science fiction author, Philip José Farmer, on Friday, August 3, at 2:00 PM. And I'll have a table in the Dealer's Room at which I'll be selling the new Meteor House edition of Farmer's authorized novel Tarzan and the Dark Heart of Time (available for the first time in hardcover!), as well as some of my other books.
It will be a fun time, with guest speakers, dinners, a dealer's room, a swamp tour, and self-guided movie location driving tour. Check it out!