Info about FarmerCon IV (June 6 in Peoria, IL.), a silent auction of Philip José Farmer books (many signed), and the last remaining copies of Farmerphile.
The Official Philip José Farmer Email
Hello to everyone on the PJF Mailing list. If you haven't visited the site lately, it was updated a week ago on May 9th.
With FarmerCon IV only 22 short days away, this is the last newsletter I will be sending to this list about it. This is your last chance to tell me you're coming. Your last chance to get on the list to go out to dinner with us Saturday night. Your last chance to speak at the library if you want. Your last chance to not miss out on any of the goodies we have planned for the weekend.
But, if you insist on not coming to FarmerCon IV, you don't have to miss out entirely. Last year we had our first silent auction and it was a huge hit. This year we have more than twice as many items and we are making some of them available to you. You can bid on these items right now.
The last time an Advance Uncorrected Proof of THE EVIL IN PEMBERLEY HOUSE showed up on ebay, it sold for $225! And Win Scott Eckert will be at FarmerCon IV to sign this one! There are three brand new copies of VENUS ON THE HALF-SHELL AND OTHERS, which sell new for $38 and our opening bid is only $25. And Christopher Paul Carey will be at FarmerCon IV to sign them! And as I've said in these newsletters in the past, while not advertised on the site because these went to collectors before the first issue was ever printed, there are 25 limited edition copies of every issue of Farmerphile, signed by Philip José Farmer. These signed copies of issues 11 - 15 are available starting at their normal price of $40 each.
To place a bid on any of these items, just send me an email and I will post the amount online with your first name and last initial.
As it says on the webpage, bidding will close on these May 25th, but then those at FarmerCon IV will get a chance to outbid you on Saturday June 6th, so bid well. But, as an added bonus, if you are the high bidder on any of these items, I will throw in a copy of the convention program, which is sure to be a collector's item itself.
In last month's newsletter I said, "After fulfilling several orders this week, I am now officially out of stock on issues #6, #7 and #9 of Farmerphile. However, I already have more orders for these issues so I am going to, probably for the last time, have a small batch of each printed up." I will be getting these from the printer this week. I can tell you that we're already back down to about 20 copies of the first nine issues, so if you've been thinking about ordering a set but keep putting it probably don't want to do that any longer.
Hope to see you soon,
Mike Croteau
The Official Philip José Farmer Home Page