Saturday, February 07, 2009

The Evil in Pemberley House - Now available for Pre-Order direct from Subterranean Press!

The Evil in Pemberley House now has its own page on the Subterranean Press website, with both the regular Trade and Limited Edition (with Chapbook) listed for Pre-Order.

The Chapbook includes Phil Farmer's original outline for the novel, the Wildman (Savage) Coat of Arms, an expanded Wold Newton Family tree chart, and other goodies.

The regular Trade also features a Wold Newton Family tree chart.

The regular Trade is listed for $40, while the Limited Edition with Chapbook is $60.

And... the cover is by the amazing Glen Orbik (who does Hard Case Crime covers as well as the covers to the forthcoming Gabriel Hunt pulp novels)! I can't wait to see what he comes up with.


Anonymous said...

Congrats, Win! This is so amazing!

Win Scott Eckert said...

Frank, thanks so much. I am still amazed by it all as well. :-)

-> Ray said...

Hey, I received my copy of the Avenger hardcover on Saturday. Naturally, I read your story first. (Loved the Domino Lady reference!)

Win Scott Eckert said...

Many thanks, Ray. Glad you liked the Ellen Patrick/Domino Lady ref: there are several more subtle crossover references beyond that one. ;-)