Showing posts with label black coat press. Show all posts
Showing posts with label black coat press. Show all posts

Saturday, July 11, 2009

CROSSOVERS: A Secret Chronology of the World - a new publisher!

A couple weeks back, my publisher for Crossovers: A Secret Chronology of the World informed me that they regretted they'd not be able to put out the book in the near future, and released me to seek another publisher if I wished. I entirely understand their position, and hope to work with them again in the future.

For the uninitiated, Crossovers is a massive timeline of crossover stories in which two or more fictional characters, situations, or universes are linked together in order to build the “Crossover Universe.” Think Sherlock Holmes vs. Dracula, Batman and Tarzan: Claws of the Catwoman, etc. The book has over 1,000 crossover entries and currently clocks in at almost 300,000 words, with introductions and forewords from Kim Newman and Jess Nevins, and appendices covering myriad television crossovers and alternate universes.

Flash forward two weeks: I am extremely pleased to announce that Crossovers will be published in two volumes by Jean-Marc Lofficier at Black Coat Press.

Furthermore, I'm quite excited that Black Coat has engaged Mark Maddox to provide the covers for the two books. Mark is making a well-deserved splash with his recent cover for Cornerstone Book Publishing's Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective, Vol. 1.

Jean-Marc is enthusiastic to move forward quickly, and we are in constant communication about the book.

In terms of timing, I am currently working on my Green Hornet story for Moonstone Books. I expect that to take me through late July or early August. After that, a story for Black Coat's Tales of the Shadowmen, Vol. 6: Grand Guignol, due to the publisher in September. After that, it's all Crossovers, all the time, as I put the finishing touches on the book and draft the final entries. We are driving to release the two volume set toward the end of the year. I've been writing up and annotating these crossovers for over 10 years now; I'm relieved that the books have found such a good home, and the project has so much forward momentum. Stay tuned to this space for updates!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Tales of the Shadowmen 5: The Vampires of Paris -- now available!

Once upon a time, the world was but a stage for the exploits of the Shadowmen... The Vampires haunted the rooftops of Paris... Count Zaroff hunted the Serpent Men in the streets of New York... The Queen of Atlantis killed to save her mythical Kingdom... Arsene Lupin prowled the back alleys of Saigon... While in outer space, Doctor Omega and Professor Moriarty finally set foot upon an asteroid...

This fifth anthology of pastiches features some of the most amazing encounters between the legendary heroes and villains of popular literature: Count Dracula and Joséphine Balsamo, Lord Ruthven and the Count of Monte Cristo, the Nyctalope and Ernst Stavro Blofeld, Arsène Lupin and Hanoi Shan, Irma Vep and Fascinax, Monsieur Lecoq and Dr. Loveless... and even Sherlock Holmes and Tevye the Milkman!

I was fortunate enough to convince my good friend (and very talented writer!) Christopher Paul Carey to collaborate on a tale, and our editor and publisher, Jean-Marc Lofficier, was very pleased with the result. Our story, "Iron and Bronze,"
combines elements drawn from Pierre Benoit's L'Atlantide, Jules Verne's duology The Barsac Mission, J. H. Rosny and Philip José Farmer's Ironcastle, and Guy d'Armen's Doc Ardan, against the backdrop of H. Rider Haggard's Africa.

Tales of the Shadowmen 5: The Vampires of Paris, is now available direct from Black Coat Press and from -- coming soon to B& and We hope you'll check it out!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Short story sale to Tales of the Shadowmen Vol. 5: The Vampires of Paris

I'm very pleased to announce that my friend and collaborator Christopher Paul Carey and I have sold our short story "Iron and Bronze" to Jean-Marc Lofficier at Black Coat Press, for the anthology Tales of the Shadowmen: The Vampires of Paris (due for release in January 2009).

The tale combines elements drawn from Pierre Benoit's L'Atlantide, Jules Verne's duology The Barsac Mission, J. H. Rosny and Philip Jos
é Farmer's Ironcastle, and Guy d'Armen's Doc Ardan, against the backdrop of H. Rider Haggard's Africa.

I have a deep admiration for Chris' atmospheric style and crisp plotting, and it was a real pleasure to work with him on the story. If our schedules permit, I have a feeling we'll do it again someday!