Friday, November 03, 2023
Saturday, December 31, 2011
2011 Review & 2012 Preview!

- "Zorro's Rival" in More Tales of Zorro by Richard Dean Starr (ed.) (Moonstone Books, March 2011)
- "Happy Death Men" in The Avenger: The Justice, Inc. Files by Joe Gentile and Howard Hopkins (eds.) (Moonstone Books, August 2011)
- "Bad Medicine" in The Green Hornet Casefiles by Joe Gentile and Win Scott Eckert (eds.) (with Vito Delsante) (Moonstone Books, August 2011)
- "Marguerite's Tears" in Tales of the Shadowmen Volume 8: Agents Provocateurs by Jean-Marc and Randy Lofficier (eds.) (Black Coat Press, December 2011)

- The Green Hornet Casefiles (with Joe Gentile), Moonstone Books, August 2011.
- "Afterword" to The Peerless Peer by Philip José Farmer (Titan Books, June 2011)
- "Introduction" to Scarlet in Gaslight by Martin Powell (Pulp 2.0 Books, December 2011)
- "The Adventure of the Fallen Stone" in Sherlock Holmes: The Crossovers Casebook by Howard Hopkins (ed.) (Moonstone Books, forthcoming)
- "Progress" in The Green Hornet: Still at Large by Joe Gentile, Win Scott Eckert, and Matthew Baugh (eds.) (Moonstone Books, forthcoming)
- "Zombies under Broadway" (a Green Ghost tale, written with Eric Fein) (Moonstone Books, forthcoming)
- "A Girl and Her Cat" for Moonstone's Honey West anthology
- As-yet untitled "Wold Newton Origins" tale for Meteor House's third The Worlds of Philip Jose Farmer anthology
- As-yet untitled story for Moonstone's third Avenger anthology, The Avenger: Tales from Bleek Street (the plan is to wrap up the storyline from my first two tales, including a return engagement for the Domino Lady)
- Story for a Moonstone anthology crossing over a well-know pulp secret agent for which Moonstone has acquired the license, and the Green Ghost (more info when I can make it available!)
- The Green Hornet: Still at Large (with Joe Gentile and Matthew Baugh), Moonstone Books, forthcoming.
- Much bonus material for Titan Books' new reissues of Philip Jose Farmer's Wold Newton Novels; more details coming soon!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Contents announced (revised) for Tales of the Shadowmen 8: Agents Provocateurs

cover artist: Jean-Claude Claeys
Matthew Baugh: Don Camillo and the Secret Weapon
Nicholas Boving: The Elfberg Red
Matthew Dennion: The Most Dreadful Monster
Win Scott Eckert: Marguerite's Tears
John Gallagher: The Books of Shadows (illustrated portfolio)
Martin Gately: Leviathan Creek
Micah Harris: Slouching Towards Camulodunum
Travis Hiltz: In the Caves of the Serpent
Paul Hugli: Sleep No More
Rick Lai: Vampire Renaissance
Joseph Lamere: Satan's Signature

J.-M. & Randy Lofficier: The Affair of the Necklace Revisited
David McDonald: Catspaw
Chris Nigro: Patricide
John Peel: More Imaginative Sins
Dennis E. Power: Passing through the Hands of Steel
Pete Rawlik: Before the War, Five Dragons Roar
Joshua Reynolds: The Carolingian Stone
Frank Schildiner: The Death Bird
Michel Stéphan: With the Compliments of Nestor Burma!
Michel Vannereux: The Warlord of Vaha
The title and cover for next year's volume have also been selected:
cover artist: Nathalie Lial.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
"Iron and Bronze" by Christopher Paul Carey & Win Scott Eckert now available on the Kindle and Nook

"For a long time, my good friend and colleague Win Scott Eckert and I had been tossing around the idea of writing a story together. We had both been heavily influenced in our youth by the Doc Savage pulps, H. Rider Haggard, and Jules Verne (among others), and each of us had completed novels begun by Philip José Farmer. Win's collaboration with Phil, The Evil in Pemberley House, came out in 2009, and mine, The Song of Kwasin, lined up behind Up the Bright River (a wonderful collection that came out to commemorate Phil's long and wildly imaginative career following his passing), and is slated to be published in an omnibus of the Khokarsa series in 2012. So it only seemed natural that we should write a story together ourselves someday.
That opportunity finally came with the story "Iron and Bronze," which was first published in 2009 by Black Coat Press in the anthology Tales of the Shadowmen 5: The Vampires of Paris (a terrific anthology and series that I highly recommend to pulp adventure enthusiasts), and which features two great heroes of the French pulps. Now the story is available in ebook format for both the Kindle and Nook. Here's the product description:Taduki-inspired visions draw an intrepid adventurer and a madman to a lost African outpost of Atlantis where they must confront an ancient mystery from the stars... Drawing on diverse sources such as Jules Verne’s The Barsac Mission, H. Rider Haggard’s She and Allan, Guy d’Armen’s Doc Ardan (who has been called the “French Doc Savage”), J.-H. Rosny âiné’s L’Étonnant Voyage de Hareton Ironcastle, Pierre Benoit’s L’Atlantide, and Philip José Farmer’s “monomyth,” “Iron and Bronze” hearkens back the classic SF adventure pulps of the 1920s and ’30s.So if that grabs you, you can begin reading "Iron and Bronze" right now on the Kindle or Nook platform of your choice."
This story first appeared in the anthology Tales of the Shadowmen 5: The Vampires of Paris.
Christopher Paul Carey is the co-author with Philip José Farmer of The Song of Kwasin, the third novel in the Khokarsa series (omnibus forthcoming in 2012 from Subterranean Press).
Win Scott Eckert is the co-author with Philip José Farmer of the Wold Newton novel The Evil in Pemberley House, about Patricia Wildman, the daughter of a certain bronze-skinned pulp hero (Subterranean Press, 2009).
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Contents announced for Tales of the Shadowmen 7: Femmes Fatales

US$22.95/GBP 14.99 - 6x9 tpb, 324 pages - ISBN-13: 978-1-935558-44-6
on sale: December 1, 2010 / cover by Phil Cohen
This seventh volume of the only international anthology devoted to paying homage to the world's most fantastic heroes from popular literature spotlights the females of the species: beautiful, deadly, tragic, accursed, enticing… all gathered here for an amazing collection of new adventures...
Tremble as Christine Daae meets Herbert West the Reanimator and Dr. Loveless Nurse Ratched! Experience thrills as Milady tries to outwit Captain Blood and Lady Blakeney the Black Coats! Watch in awe as Becky Sharp foils the designs of Sâr Dubnotal and Amelia Peabody those of mad King Tut! Wonder as the Bride of Frankenstein challenges the power of Dr. Omega and the vampire countess Marcian Gregoryi that of Victor Frankenstein and the Illuminati! Also starring Carmilla! Catherine Levendeur! Rosa Klebb! Fah Lo Suee! And the Eyes Without A Face!
With a foreword by Xavier Mauméjean and a portfolio by Matt Haley.
My tale is an entry in my "Road to Wold Newton" series which kicked off with last year's Scarlet Pimpernel story "Is He in Hell?" (appearing both in Tales of the Shadowmen 6: Grand Guignol and slightly revised and expanded in The Worlds of Philip José Farmer 1: Protean Dimensions [Meteor House]).
- Matt Haley: My Femmes Fatales (portfolio)
- Xavier Mauméjean: My Femmes Fatales (foreword)
- Roberto Lionel Barreiro: Secrets
- Matthew Baugh: What Rough Beast
- Thom Brannan: What Doesn't Die
- Matthew Dennion: Faces of Fear
- Win Scott Eckert: Nadine's Invitation
- Emmanuel Gorlier: Fiat Lux!
- Micah Harris: Slouching Towards Camulodunum
- Travis Hiltz: The Robots of Metropolis
- Paul Hugli: Death to the Heretic!
- Rick Lai: Will There Be Sunlight?
- Jean-Marc Lofficier: The Sincerest Form of Flattery
- David McDonnell: Big Little Man
- Brad Mengel: The Apprentice
- Sharan Newman: The Beast Without
- Neil Penswick: Legacy of Evil
- Pete Rawlik: The Masquerade in Exile
- Frank Schildiner: The Tiny Destroyer
- Stuart Shiffman: Grim Days
- Bradley H. Sinor: The Screeching of Two Ravens
- Michel Stéphan: The Three Lives of Maddalena
- David L. Vineyard: The Mysterious Island of Dr. Antekirtt
- Brian Stableford: The Necromancers of London
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tales of the Shadowmen 6: Grand Guignol

What could have been in Sir Percy's head to cause him (and several other notables) to trudge up to an out-of-the-way place such as Wold Newton in the middle of December?
Table of contents, followed by a description from the publisher. As my fellow author Christopher Paul Carey notes, the cover is meant to be Michael Moorcock's Jerry Cornelius, who appears in Jean-Marc Lofficier's story, "J. C. in Alphaville":
US$22.95/GBP 14.99 - 6x9 tpb, 312 p.
ISBN-13: 978-1-935558-00-2
Christopher Paul Carey: Caesar's Children
Win Scott Eckert: Is He in Hell?
Emmanuel Gorlier: Out of Time
Matthew Baugh & Micah Harris: The Scorpion and the Fox
Travis Hiltz: The Treasure of the Ubasti
Rick Lai: Incident in the Boer War
Roman Leary: The Children of Heracles
Jean-Marc Lofficier: J.C. in Alphaville
Randy Lofficier: The Spear of Destiny
Xavier Mauméjean: The Man for the Job
William P. Maynard: Yes, Virginia, There is a Fantômas
John Peel: The Biggest Guns
Neil Penswick: The Vampire Murders
Dennis E. Power: No Good Deed...
Frank Schildiner: Laurels for the Toff
Bradley H. Sinor: Where the Shadows Began...
Michel Stéphan: The Red Silk Scarf
David L. Vineyard: The Children's Crusade
Brian Stableford: Where Zombies Armies Clash by Night (Part IV of The Empire of the Necromancers)
This sixth volume of Tales of the Shadowmen is dedicated to simpler horrors and theatrical villainy. Tremble as you face the terror of Fantômas, the villainy of Madame Atomos, the sorcery of Leonox, the unspeakable King in Yellow and the insanity of Alphaville!
Fortunately for us, and for the world, there are always stalwart heroes rising up to stem the tides of darkness and restore peace and order to the world. Chevalier Dupin! Harry Dickson! Mowgli! Arsène Lupin! The Scarlet Pimpernel! Raffles and mamy more are there, to confront crazy sorcerers and ravening zombies, mad scientists and giant rats, evil computers and Hindu death cults, Martians and monsters!
Long live the Shadowmen!
Friday, December 18, 2009
pics o' the past two days

"De Fer et de Bronze" by Christopher Paul Carey & Win Scott Eckert, Les Compagnons de l'Ombre (Tome 6)
"Le Mouron Rouge en Enfer" by Win Scott Eckert, Les Compagnons de l'Ombre (Tome 7)
Or... get 'em in English from Black Coat Press' Tales of the Shadowmen series...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Creative Mythographers On the Move

This anthology features short stories inspired by French pulp fiction, written by several Wold Newton "creative mythographers," including Matthew Baugh, Win Scott Eckert, Greg Gick, and Rick Lai, as well as wll-known names such as Brian Stableford, Jean-Marc & Randy Lofficier, John Peel, Terrance Dicks, Chris Roberson, and Robert Sheckley, among others. Nor are the stories limited to only French characters... Wold Newton Family members such as Doc Savage (aka "Doc Ardan," appearing in Win Scott Eckert's "The Vanishing Devil"), Fu Manchu, Sherlock Holmes, and The Shadow, all make appearances in the anthology (albeit some of them appear in disguise), as do perennial French Wold Newton Family members C. Auguste Dupin and Arsène Lupin. Several of the stories refer to or utilize Philip José Farmer's Wold Newton Family theories and concepts. For fans of the monster corner of the Wold Newton Universe, there are stories featuring Frankenstein's Creature, the Cthulhu Mythos, and Erik (Phantom of the Opera).
Order from:
Order from Black Coat Press.
Order from Barnes &
Friday, December 26, 2008
The Year in Review
Just a note of thanks to everyone who is kindly following along here. 2008 was a good year for fans of Philip Jose Farmer, Wold-Newton, pulps, etc., with more to come in 2009 and 2010...
Philip Jose Farmer's VENUS ON THE HALF-SHELL AND OTHERS, including Phil's Holmes-Tarzan crossover, THE ADVENTURE OF THE PEERLESS PEER:
The Wold Newton Universe website updated:
TALES OF THE SHADOWMWEN Vol. 4: LORDS OF TERROR and Vol. 5: THE VAMPIRES OF PARIS released in Jan. and Nov. respectively (featuring Wold-Newtony crossover pulp/adventure/mystery/horror/sf) stories:
Henry Covert's "The Many Worlds of Wold Newton" essays in ASTONISHING ADVENTURES magazine issues 4 and 5:
Announcement of the completion of 2 new Philip Jose Farmer novels, both of which take place in Phil's Wold Newton Universe:
...And the sale of one of those novels, THE EVIL IN PEMBERLEY HOUSE, to Subterranean Press (with fingers crossed that the other novel, THE SONG OF KWASIN completed by Christopher Paul Carey, will sell soon!)
The release of Moonstone Books' THE AVENGER CHRONICLES; some of the stories have Wold-Newtonian crossover references, particularly Matthew Baugh's , and mine, which has a heavy Farmerian influence.
FARMERPHILE no. 15 (coming in January, )
THE OTHER IN THE MIRROR by Philip Jose Farmer (Subterranean Press, early 2009)
Other short story anthologies in which I'll have stories; there will definitely be crossovers and one, if it gets approved, will have a heavy Wold-Newtonian background. These have not been announced yet, so I can't say anything further now. Stay tuned.
THE EVIL IN PEMBERLEY HOUSE (Subterranean Press; 2010 release date is conjecture, stay tuned)
Thanks to everyone here... And if you're not already "following" my blogs and would like to stay even current, please sign up using the "FOLLOW THIS BLOG" links:
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Happy Holidays, and all the best,
Review of Tales of the Shadowmen 5: The Vampires of Paris

A reader, Sean Levin, has posted an Amazon review of Tales of the Shadowmen 5: The Vampires of Paris. I think he liked it. ;-)