If you read and enjoyed any of my nominated work, please consider a vote.
Or if you think the award goes to a more deserving creator, vote for them! The point being, please vote. A lot of writers and artists put their heart and soul into creating a plethora or enjoyable content last year, and deserve recognition for their efforts.
Here is the full ballot and complete instructions. Voting is open until March 12, 2014.
And here are the categories in which I've been nominated:
Best Collection/Anthology
Tales of the Wold Newton Universe, edited by Win Scott Eckert and Christopher Paul Carey, Titan Books
Best Short Story
"The Wild Huntsman," Tales of the Wold Newton Universe, Titan Books
Best Novella
Best Author
Related nominations:
- Best Cover Art - Mark Sparacio, The Scarlet Jaguar, Meteor House
- Best Interior Art - Mark Sparacio, The Scarlet Jaguar, Meteor House
- Best Author - Christopher Paul Carey (coauthor with Philip José Farmer of the third Khokarsa novel, The Song of Kwasin, among many other fine works)
- Best Novella - "Kwasin and the Bear God" by Philip José Farmer and Christopher Paul Carey, Tales of the Wold Newton Universe, Titan Books
- The Avenger: Roaring Heart of the Crucible (Moonstone Books) was nominated for Best Collection/Anthology. My story, "According to Plan of a One-Eyed Trickster," was not nominated, but please consider a vote for this Anthology, as well as my pal John Allen Small's story "The Ghost of Thunder Isle."
- Having contributed to all three anthologies, Moonstone's revival of The Avenger is near and dear to my heart. Please consider a vote for Best Pulp Revival.