Showing posts with label christopher paul carey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christopher paul carey. Show all posts

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Exiles of Kho: A Tale of Lost Khokarsa!

Exiles of Kho

A Tale of Lost Khokarsa

by Christopher Paul Carey

Hundreds of years before the hero Hadon sailed forth from his shining city of gold and jewels upon his legendary adventures, the heroine-priestess Lupoeth set out upon the decree of the oracle to discover a new land upon the untamed shores of ancient Africa’s southern sea. But Lupoeth finds herself little prepared for the trials ahead, as well as those that follow upon her heels—for the jealous  queen who wants her rival banished has appointed a worshiper of the sun god with a criminal past as the expedition’s priest, hoping to undermine the mission and seal its doom.

Now, lost in the deep jungle, Lupoeth must fight to keep her ill-equipped band of followers alive in the face of deadly beasts, savage Neanderthals, and conspiring enemies. Soon she finds the most accursed deity of her people’s faith, exiled from the empire by the Great Goddess Kho Herself, may be her only ally in this wild land. But Sahhindar, the god of Time and bronze, has a mysterious agenda of his own—one that Lupoeth fears might spell doom not only for her expedition, but for the entire world…

This limited edition novella will be signed by the author, Christopher Paul Carey, coauthor with Philip José Farmer of the third novel in the Khokarsa series. The print run will be determined by the number of preorders we receive by June 30, 2012. A very limited number of copies beyond the preorders will be printed.

*** As an added bonus ***
If you preorder by June 30, your name will appear in the book
on a special acknowledgments page.

Cover art and interior illustrations by Mike Hoffman
US $15.00 + shipping
5×8 tpb - pp. tba
Signed Limited Edition
Estimated publication date: Late summer/early fall 2012

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Countdown to the new Philip José Farmer books from Titan! (post #1)

Over the next few weeks I'll be outlining Titan Books' current plans for its series of Philip José Farmer reissues, so stay tuned to this space, or Facebook!

As previously announced, three titles are coming very soon. And of course one Wold Newton book by Farmer has already been published, although it fell under the umbrella of their "Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" line.

The Wold Newton series will have several different "sub-series." Currently the "main" Wold Newton series and the "Prehistory" sub-series are listed. More to come!

Wold Newton Series

The Peerless Peer (June 2011)
  •  Afterword by Win Scott Eckert
The Other Log of Phileas Fogg (May 2012)
  • Afterword by Win Scott Eckert: "Only a Coincidence: Phileas Fogg, Philip José Farmer, and the Wold Newton Family"
  • Chronology by Win Scott Eckert: "A Chronology of Major Events Pertinent to The Other Log of Phileas Fogg"
(Wold Newton Prehistory Series)
Time’s Last Gift (June 2012)
  • Afterword by Christopher Paul Carey: ""John Gribardsun and the Prehistoric Wold Newton Family"
  • Chronology by Win Scott Eckert and Dennis E. Power: "Gribardsun through the Ages: A Chronology of Major Events Pertinent to Time’s Last Gift"

Grandmaster Series

Lord Tyger (July 2012)

  • (Bonus materials to be announced next post!)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Time's Last Gift - Bonus Materials

Following on last night's announcement about the bonus materials for Titan Books' reissue of The Other Log of Phileas Fogg, I'm thrilled to reveal the contributions to the new edition of Time's Last Gift.

First, go here and read Christopher Paul Carey's news about his afterword. Then come right back here to read the rest.

In addition to Chris' fine afterword, the new edition includes a piece which Wold Newton fans won't want to miss: "Gribardsun through the Ages: A Chronology of Major Events Pertinent to Time’s Last Gift" by Win Scott Eckert and Dennis E. Power.

Time's Last Gift, first published in 1972, and revised in 1977, is one of Philip José Farmer's finest novels, telling the tale of the mysterious time traveler John Gribardsun. It also serves as a prequel to Mr. Farmer's series of books featuring the land of Khokarsa in Ancient Africa (Hadon of Ancient Opar, Flight to Opar, and the forthcoming The Song of Kwasin).

Time's Last Gift is currently scheduled for release in June 2012, and is available for pre-order at major outlets such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Editions include trade paperback and digital (Kindle & Nook).

The book is second in Titan Books' ongoing series of Wold Newton novels. More titles will follow, so keep following Mr. Farmer's official website, and Facebook (Philip José Farmer | Win Scott Eckert) for more information.

Both Chris' afterword and our timeline are exclusive to this edition:

  • Afterword: "John Gribardsun and the Prehistoric Wold Newton Family" by Christopher Paul Carey 
  • "Gribardsun through the Ages: A Chronology of Major Events Pertinent to Time’s Last Gift" by Win Scott Eckert and Dennis E. Power

So hop over to Amazon or Barnes & Noble and place your pre-order now!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

FarmerCon VII / Pulpfest 2012

I've finalized my plans to be at FarmerCon VII  / Pulpfest 2012 in August. I'll be at the Meteor House table, where I'll have copies of the new Titan Books editions of Philip Jose Farmer's Wold Newton books The Other Log of Phileas Fogg and Time's Last Gift, as well as Lord Tyger. I imagine I'll also have news about more Farmer reissues from Titan (hint, hint). My friend Christopher Paul Carey will be there promoting Gods of Opar.

I'll also have copies of the recent Tales of the Shadowmen 8: Agents Provocateurs (Black Coat Press) and I imagine Moonstone Books' Sherlock Holmes: The Crossovers Casebook will be out by then, so I'll bring copies. Lots of Wold-Newtony goodness in my stories in those volumes.

I also have hopes that Moonstone's The Green Hornet: Still at Large, which I'm co-editing with Joe Gentile and Matthew Baugh, will be out by then, although that's not confirmed yet. If it's available, of course I'll have copies with me.

Hope to see you there!

P.S. Stay tuned to this space; I hope to have an announcement about the new edition of The Other Log of Phileas Fogg soon!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

"Iron and Bronze" by Christopher Paul Carey & Win Scott Eckert now available on the Kindle and Nook

My good friend and co-writer Christopher Paul Carey beat me to the punch on posting this, and he's put it better than I could, so I'm taking the easy way out and quoting his post:

"For a long time, my good friend and colleague Win Scott Eckert and I had been tossing around the idea of writing a story together. We had both been heavily influenced in our youth by the Doc Savage pulps, H. Rider Haggard, and Jules Verne (among others), and each of us had completed novels begun by Philip José Farmer. Win's collaboration with Phil, The Evil in Pemberley House, came out in 2009, and mine, The Song of Kwasin, lined up behind Up the Bright River (a wonderful collection that came out to commemorate Phil's long and wildly imaginative career following his passing), and is slated to be published in an omnibus of the Khokarsa series in 2012. So it only seemed natural that we should write a story together ourselves someday.

That opportunity finally came with the story "Iron and Bronze," which was first published in 2009 by Black Coat Press in the anthology Tales of the Shadowmen 5: The Vampires of Paris (a terrific anthology and series that I highly recommend to pulp adventure enthusiasts), and which features two great heroes of the French pulps. Now the story is available in ebook format for both the Kindle and Nook. Here's the product description:

Taduki-inspired visions draw an intrepid adventurer and a madman to a lost African outpost of Atlantis where they must confront an ancient mystery from the stars... Drawing on diverse sources such as Jules Verne’s The Barsac Mission, H. Rider Haggard’s She and Allan, Guy d’Armen’s Doc Ardan (who has been called the “French Doc Savage”), J.-H. Rosny âiné’s L’Étonnant Voyage de Hareton Ironcastle, Pierre Benoit’s L’Atlantide, and Philip José Farmer’s “monomyth,” “Iron and Bronze” hearkens back the classic SF adventure pulps of the 1920s and ’30s.

This story first appeared in the anthology Tales of the Shadowmen 5: The Vampires of Paris.

Christopher Paul Carey is the co-author with Philip José Farmer of The Song of Kwasin, the third novel in the Khokarsa series (omnibus forthcoming in 2012 from Subterranean Press).

Win Scott Eckert is the co-author with Philip José Farmer of the Wold Newton novel The Evil in Pemberley House, about Patricia Wildman, the daughter of a certain bronze-skinned pulp hero (Subterranean Press, 2009).
So if that grabs you, you can begin reading "Iron and Bronze" right now on the Kindle or Nook platform of your choice."

Monday, February 16, 2009

Locus Poll: Philip José Farmer's Venus on the Half-Shell and Others

Wold Newton expert Christopher Paul Carey , the editor of the collection Venus on the Half-Shell and Others (with plenty of Wold-Newtony goodness by Philip José Farmer , including the classic Sherlock Holmes/Tarzan crossover novel, The Adventure of the Peerless Peer), reminds us that the 2009 Locus Poll and Survey is now open:

"Rias Nuninga of the Philip José Farmer International Bibliography kindly points out that Venus on the Half-Shell and Others, Philip José Farmer's collection of fictional-author stories which I edited for Subterranean Press, is eligible to be written in under the category of Best Single-Author Collection on the 2009 Locus Poll and Survey. The Locus Poll closes on April 15, 2009. Here's the description of Venus from the publisher's Web site if you haven't yet read it but think you might like to pick up this fun, tongue-in-cheek book:

Venus on the Half-Shell and Others collects for the first time the best of the best from Philip José Farmer's scintillating "fictional-author period."

In the mid-1970s a fever-pitched furor was created when an actual novel purported to be by Kilgore Trout -- the sadsack science fiction writer who appears as a character in the works of Kurt Vonnegut -- materialized on the bookracks, complete with a mysterious back cover photo of the author looking like a bearded vagabond sage. Debate raged as to who had truly written Venus on the Half-Shell. Was it Vonnegut himself, or perhaps Theodore Sturgeon, rumored to have been the inspiration for Trout? Or did Kilgore Trout really exist? Just as one respected newspaper published an article "proving" that Vonnegut had written the book, the Hugo Award-winning science fiction author Philip José Farmer announced he was the true author.

The controversial Kilgore Trout episode was neither the first nor the last time Farmer would impishly slip out of his own skin and assume the persona of another author. In Venus on the Half-Shell and Others, Philip José Farmer transforms himself into fictional personalities as compelling as they are diverse: Cordwainer Bird, Paul Chapin, Rod Keen, Harry "Bunny" Manders, Leo Queequeg Tincrowdor, John H. Watson, M.D. and even the real-life author William S. Burroughs (writing his own version of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Jungle Lord!). Also included is the original version of Farmer's classic Sherlock Holmes/Lord Greystoke pastiche The Adventure of the Peerless Peer, back in print for the first time in over thirty years.

A unique collection, Venus on the Half-Shell and Others showcases the grand imagination of one of science fiction's most resourceful and creative minds."

If you enjoyed Venus, Peerless Peer, etc., and if you're so inclined, please take some time 0ut to support Phil Farmer, Chris Carey, and this fantastic collection!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Tales of the Shadowmen 5: The Vampires of Paris -- now available!

Once upon a time, the world was but a stage for the exploits of the Shadowmen... The Vampires haunted the rooftops of Paris... Count Zaroff hunted the Serpent Men in the streets of New York... The Queen of Atlantis killed to save her mythical Kingdom... Arsene Lupin prowled the back alleys of Saigon... While in outer space, Doctor Omega and Professor Moriarty finally set foot upon an asteroid...

This fifth anthology of pastiches features some of the most amazing encounters between the legendary heroes and villains of popular literature: Count Dracula and Joséphine Balsamo, Lord Ruthven and the Count of Monte Cristo, the Nyctalope and Ernst Stavro Blofeld, Arsène Lupin and Hanoi Shan, Irma Vep and Fascinax, Monsieur Lecoq and Dr. Loveless... and even Sherlock Holmes and Tevye the Milkman!

I was fortunate enough to convince my good friend (and very talented writer!) Christopher Paul Carey to collaborate on a tale, and our editor and publisher, Jean-Marc Lofficier, was very pleased with the result. Our story, "Iron and Bronze,"
combines elements drawn from Pierre Benoit's L'Atlantide, Jules Verne's duology The Barsac Mission, J. H. Rosny and Philip José Farmer's Ironcastle, and Guy d'Armen's Doc Ardan, against the backdrop of H. Rider Haggard's Africa.

Tales of the Shadowmen 5: The Vampires of Paris, is now available direct from Black Coat Press and from -- coming soon to B& and We hope you'll check it out!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Short story sale to Tales of the Shadowmen Vol. 5: The Vampires of Paris

I'm very pleased to announce that my friend and collaborator Christopher Paul Carey and I have sold our short story "Iron and Bronze" to Jean-Marc Lofficier at Black Coat Press, for the anthology Tales of the Shadowmen: The Vampires of Paris (due for release in January 2009).

The tale combines elements drawn from Pierre Benoit's L'Atlantide, Jules Verne's duology The Barsac Mission, J. H. Rosny and Philip Jos
é Farmer's Ironcastle, and Guy d'Armen's Doc Ardan, against the backdrop of H. Rider Haggard's Africa.

I have a deep admiration for Chris' atmospheric style and crisp plotting, and it was a real pleasure to work with him on the story. If our schedules permit, I have a feeling we'll do it again someday!